What Do You Focus On?
May 6 – Focus On What’s Important, The Rest Can Wait
4:126 – Focus On What’s Important, The Rest Can Wait

#faithbites #faithjourney focus


Yesterday, my youngest came home with a low-grade fever. We got her checked out, No COVID, but a UTI. This is her first one in 9 months so that’s great, but it still stinks. Today we kept her home. She’s a bit puny and just wants daddy time. Mind you, I’m working, and have fifty million other things to do. She asked me to walk the dog with her, then asked me to sit and watch videos with her. I was about to say no because I have stuff to do and I don’t think I could watch one more toy unboxing video. But in the long run, that other stuff isn’t important. My relationship with my daughter and her feeling supporting and comfort. I chose to focus on what really matters.

God often tells us not to focus on the world but on him and his plan. When we do that, we see early concerns seem lest important. As someone once said, the most important things in life, aren’t things.

Today’s questions: How do you change your focus from the Earth to the Sky? What do you do when you find your focus wandering?

  • Colossians 3:2 – Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
  • Hebrews 3:1 – Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest.

Focus is a tough one for me. My mind wanders all the time and I tend to put importance on things that aren’t. Sometimes it takes me a long time to figure that out, but I don’t give us. Our two verses, same something very similar. We should focus on Jesus (things above) and not on those on Earth. What does that mean? If we focus on Jesus, we want to be like him. Feed the poor, protect the weak, open our arms to all, serve one another, love God, love our neighbors. This is what fixing our thoughts on Jesus means. In practical terms, if we do this, we are less inclined to try to acquire new stuff to work on things that don’t matter. Rather, we working from a place of love, not greed, and striving for a place of service, not accomplishments.

I don’t have a magic wand to make this transition happen. Turning God’s words from thoughts to action requires dedication and determination. All I ask is that show grace, love, and a willingness to do as he commands.

As we close, remember your children may forget that nice thing you did for them but they won’t forget the feeling you inspired and the faith you brought them.


Lord Jesus, we often get bogged down with what we think is important and lose focus on what truly is important. We pray that you help us know the difference. We help us redouble our efforts to share you, your love, and in all things ask what you would do as you are the best teacher we could ask for. In your name, we pray, Amen.

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