Failure isn't the end
Dec 4 – Failure Isn’t The End Of The Road
3:339 – Failure Isn’t the End of the Road

#faithbites #faithjourney failure


44 hours. That is how long I had a 3D print going. This was supposed to be a present for a family member and it looked great for over 40 hours, then at the end, a major unfixable (without a table saw, epoxy, patience, and time) error. I was frustrated. I wanted to say several unChristian words and toss it against the wall. But I knew, I couldn’t give up. The funny thing was I posted about it on Facebook and a friend said it would make a good #faithbites lesson. He was right.

We all have failure and fall far short of the Glory of God. It is ok. What matters is how we deal with the failure. Sure, 44 hours is a long time and wasted materials but in the grand scheme of things, it is small potatoes. Heck, some of us have behaviors that are not good for us, are failures, and we’ve been doing them for years and decades. The hard part is when do you acknowledge the failure and how do you correct it. In this case, I case the failure, but wasn’t sure how bad it was and through it could correct itself. I could have saved a couple of hours and some plastic, but let it go.

Are you continuing to fail because you are afraid? Have you stopped the activity and now don’t know where to go? Remember, Jesus forgives and wants you to use your failures to grow and succeed.

  • Proverbs 14:32 – The wicked are crushed by disaster, but the godly have a refuge when they die.
  • Psalm 119:71 – My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees.
  • Micah 7:8 – Do not gloat over me, my enemies! For though I fall, I will rise again. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.

I know this may sound cheesy, but when I think about these verses and the art (yes art, not science) of learning from your failures, I also think about TubThumping by Chumbawamba. The main chorus is I get knocked down and I get up again.

God’s word tells us not to let our failures define us. We have him through everything and he will be our light, our refuge, and will rise us up. He instills a spirit of learning, hope, and reconciliation. Sure, a failed 3d print is small potatoes in the long run, but it’s still frustrating. After it happened, I went to my friends, my Facebook groups, and found some solutions to the problem. I also explained to my children what happened and one liked the failure and wants to keep it. So I, I got knocked down, but I will get up again, with the help of God.

Are you ready to dust yourself off and get back up?


What failure is still on your heart? Is there something that you are doing that isn’t bringing Glory to God? It’s never, ever too late, to stop doing it and ask God for help. He will give you the strength to step away from the failure and begin fresh.


Lord Jesus, thank you for our failures. Not that we want to be wrong or do wrong, but you use them to help us grow. From our small failures to life altering choices, we are all wrong sometime. Help us to see the failure and to seek you for forgiveness and strength to make new choices. Put people in our lives who will help us, guide us, speak life into us, and move us forward in your light. We pray all these things in your name, Amen.

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