Oct 20 – Irrational Fears
3:295 – Irrational Fears

#faithbites #faithjourney Irrational


Today I submitted the second draft of my dissertation. I immediately felt fear. Fear that my advisor would tear it a part as she did back when I submitted the first drafts of my general and special field literature reviews. The thing is, it’s an irrational fear. My pulse is racing and I’m trying not to panic.

Even if she tears it apart, it won’t hurt me. It may delay me, but I’m ok. My job isn’t affected, my family, or anything..it just means more time and revisions. Yes, it will suck but it’s not the end of the world.

How often do we let irrational fears affect us? How often do we think it’s the end of the world when it’s just a minor setback? What does God tell us about irrational fears?

  • John 14:27 – Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
  • Matthew 10:28 – And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

We often ask for support from one another. For me, that is how Jesus shows his peace, through those around us and those in our lives. He is giving us his peace. He specifically tells us to not let our hearts be troubles nor afraid.

Sometimes, it’s easier said than done. But I guess that is what faith is all about. Trusting and believing when it seems irrational. Even if a fear can kill the body, which irrational fears do not, it can’t hurt our soul.

I don’t have a lot of words on this as I’m still trying not to freak out. I know that God is putting the right people in my life and is guiding me. Just like he is guiding all of us through any of our fears, rational or irrational. We just just need to trust him.


What fear is on your heart? Is there something that is eating on you? Our irrational fears may not seem that way but they are. Turn it over to Jesus. Tell him what’s on your heart and let it rest there.


Lord Jesus, help us overcome our fears, both real and irrational. We know you have our back and know where we we are heading. Calm our nerves and grant us your peace. Remind us that you’ve conquered the world and our fears are nothing compared to that. We love you and give you all the glory, Amen.

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