Mar 5 – Bump, Set, Spike
3:65 – Bump, Set, Spike

#faithbites #faithjourney bump

Today was my eldest’s last night volleyball camp. She really liked it and wants to join a team. As it was the last night, the parents got to play in a game with the kids. Lots of laughing, cheering, attempted bumps, sets, and spikes. No one was keeping score. We were all having fun and being physically active.

Some of us are more mentally than physically active. My brain is exhausted at the end of the day. Running, playing, and jumping, while exhausting, really stirs the soul.

So let’s get out and move.

  • “Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is valuable in every way, because it promises life both for the present and for the future.” – 1 Timothy 4:8
  • Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. – 3 John 2:1

Our bodies are temples. We need to keep them clean. The way we do that is though exercise. Physical exercise is linked to spiritual exercise. We want our bodies and our souls to be strong.

I remember when I was running everyday and doing 5ks how I felt. That rush of energy is amazing. Imagine that and the touch of the Lord together.

So let us not neglect our physical bodies as we are trying to improve our souls


Get outside and move your body. Just take a 5 minute walk. Stretch. Dance. Move your body. It will give you strength.


Lord, thank you for creating us jn your image. Help us to exercise not just our souls but also our bodies. We need that natural high that you made through exercise. Help us balance both the physical and spiritual exercise we need with the rest we need. Amen.

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