2:203 – Earned Forgiveness
#faithbites #faithjourney earned
Tonight, the family was watching an episode of Once Upon A Time. It’s a great show if you haven’t seen it. During one scene, Snow White asked the Evil Queen, “Don’t you think you have earned forgiveness?”. To what she responded, “Is it still good works if you’ve done it to be forgiven?”.
In our faith, there is nothing you can do to earn forgiveness. At the same time, there is nothing you can do, to not have forgiveness. If you believe, you can be forgiven.
Imagine if everyone acted like this. Forgiveness first.
- If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. – 1 John 1:9
- The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him; – Daniel 9:9
When we get back to basics and love Christ and love our neighbors, we get forgiveness. It gets even easier, all we have to do is have faith in Christ and he takes away our sins. We rebel, we fight, we are evil, And get God forgives us and is merciful.
In our world of you scratch my back, I scratched yours, it’s hard to imagine that we don’t have to do anything except have faith for forgiveness.
Personally, I need forgiveness multiple times a day. I praise God that there is nothing I habe to do to earn it. We are his children. Just like we forgive our kids no matter what, our Father is always there with open arms.
If you think you don’t need forgiveness, you do. If you think you haven’t earned his forgiveness, you have. Believe in Christ. Take your problems to him, and you will be forgiven.
Lord God, thank you for your forgiveness. You love us no matter what. We don’t deserve your unending grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Even though we don’t deserve it, we are thankful for it. Help is spread your word and love to everyone. Only through your forgiveness, are we saved. In your name, Amen.
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