May 16 – 500 Days of Faith
2:136 – 500 Days Of Faith

#faithbites #faithjourney 500

January 1, 2018 was the day that I decided to take up a friend’s mantle / challenge and share a scripture a day. I did pretty good but missed January 4th. On the 5th, I did two, so I figured I made up. Within three weeks, the daily scripture turned to thoughts with scripture and eventually into #faithbites without missing a day since January 4, 2018

That’s right, 500 days of faith. No interruption. It didn’t matter the time of day, where I was, or where I was going, Faithbites had to be written. As t first, both my wife and I thought there was no way I would have enough content for 500 but every day is different.

So 500 days, in and I feel that my #faithjourney is really just beginning. When I was younger, I though by this she, I’d have everything figured out. Now, I have more questions than ever before. Faith, God, Religion, Politics, and life are complex, confusing, intertwined, and hard. But they are all worth the time, effort, and journey to be the person God wants you to be.


  • They have told the church about your love. Please send them on their way in a manner that honors God.3 John 1:6
  • They have told the church about your love. Please send them on their way in a manner that honors God.- Judges 18:5-6
  • being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.Philippians 1:6

If you look up journeys in the Bible, you will short trips and long expeditions. God and Jesus constantly send and go on these journeys. Our faith is not a one and done. It’s not a 500 and done. It’s a life long journey that God starts on is and will last until the day of Christ.

In both Judges and John, we see that we should be sent out in a manner that honors God. I don’t know if Faithbites honors God, but I hope so. When we look to his word, when we follow Christ, when we make it part of our daily lives, then we begin to understand God.

So now that we are at 500, is it time to stop? As Churchill once said “This is not the end. this is not the beginning of the end. Rather this is the end of the beginning.”


So what’s has your journey been impacted by Faithbites? What patterns have you created to grow your faith? Take a minute to continue your pattern or make a new one. Small steps lead to 500 and longer journeys.


Gracious God, thank you for granting me the determination to keep writing Faithbites. May my your word flow through me and help people become closer to you. Give everyone the strength to start or continue their journey with Jesus at the center. In your gracious name, Amen.

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