February 8 – We Can Overcome Trauma

2:39 – We Can Overcome Trauma

#faithbites #faithjourney trauma

A smell, a sound, a phrase, or even a subject can bring long forgotten or seldom talked about traumatic events to the surface. Things that happened decades ago are as real as it was then. People may say get over it. You may have thought you were over it, but it’s still there, still part of you

Tonight a friend was writing about anti-Semitism and what has happened to him. I then shares my story and will share here.

In was sometime between 1981-1983 and we were living in Southern California. There was a brick wall that divided our lot from the neighbor next store. The neighbors on that side were bad news at least that’s what we were told. I’m not sure if they were neo-nazis or what but they hated us. I was around four or five and the neighbor kid kept calling me a dirty Jew. He then threw a rock at me and cracked me skull. I can’t remember if these were two incidents or one. I do remember my older brother picking me up and running me into the house. His shirt was covered in blood and mom took us to the hospital. I remember telling my mom that I was Dirty as I had just showered.

I didn’t know what anti-Semitism was but now I do. This is but one example of a trauma that we all have. It is part of us. While it isn’t who we are, it does define part of us.


  • Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and burst their bonds apart. Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love, for his wondrous works to the children of man! For he shatters the doors of bronze and cuts in two the bars of iron. – Psalm 107:13-16
  • I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you. – Joel 2:25


Trauma is part of us. We remember it and it has taken years from us. In Joel, we see that if we believe in the Lord, if we turn our traumas to Jim, he will restore us. In Psalms, we see that if we turn our problems to the Lord we will be delivered.

It’s hard to vocalize trauma. It’s even more difficult to turn it over to the Lord. In this word, when we see people on power repeating the traumas we’ve suffered on others, it’s sickening. But have faith, if we believe in the Lord, we will be restored and we are not to judge others.


Have you experienced something terrible? It doesn’t matter how big or little it is. It’s not a game of comparing what you went through to what others have gone through. If you feel that pain in your being, tell the story to the Lord. He knows it but it can help you process. He may even put someone in your life to help you understand it better.


Dear Lord, be with all those who have experienced trauma. Be it religious, physically spiritual, mental or any other trauma, give them peace. Help us to know that we can confide in you and you will restore us. Give us the strength training reach out to those in need, so they never experienced the pain of trauma. In your heavenly name, Amen.

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