October 14 – Just One Thing
287 – Just One Thing

#faithbites #faithjourney One

If I asked you what the secret to life is, could you tell me? Do you know? Maybe you would say the answer is 42 :-)Today’s sermon was what is Your One Thing? The interesting twist on this, is there are usually two one things. The thing that you strive for and the thing that takes you away from what you strive for.

I have done so many things in my life that I am proud of and some not so much. I have used much of my life as a checklist. Once I know this off, I can knock the next thing off and the next thing off. But what is the point? It’s like video games. I love to play games and get achievements but when the game is over, have I gained anything? Sure, it was entertaining and fun, but have I changed? Maybe, probably not.

In life, we have things that distract us from faith and family. Maybe it’s searching for that next promotion or job. Perhaps it’s trying to achieve righteousness by checking off boxes: Went to church – Check. Went to Bible Study – Check. Didn’t Commit Adultery – Check. While we have done these things does it make us Good and worthy of salvation?

Don’t get me wrong. Having goals and aspirations are great, but what do those goals let us do?

  • “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone. – Mark 10:18
  •  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. – Ephesians 2:8-9
  • One thing I ask from the Lord,
        this only do I seek:
    that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
        all the days of my life,
    to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
        and to seek him in his temple. – Psalm 27:4

Again, I ask, what is that one thing you want? King David (Psalm 27:4) only wanted to dwell in the house of the Lord. His one thing was salvation. We also see in Ephesians, that no matter what we do, we can’t get to the house of the Lord through works and deeds, only faith. In the Mark text, the Rich Man calls Jesus “Good Teacher”. Jesus says the only one who is good is God. If that’s the case, what chance do we have to be in the house of the lord? None….by our selves. We need the salvation and peace of Jesus to help us get there.

That being said, how do we know what our one thing is? That is easy, it should be Jesus. But we are people of the world. We want bigger, better, more beautiful things. We want to accomplish stuff. There is nothing wrong with that if it doesn’t take away from our faith and trying to be Christ-like. Yes, I said it’s easy to know what our one thing is; it’s very hard to always concentrate on him.

I am far from perfect. I want so many things in life. It wasn’t until today’s sermon, that it hit me. I’m trying to fill my life with stuff, things, tasks, and journeys, rather than focus on the one thing.

As soon as the sermon started today, I thought about the movie City Slickers, and Curly talking to the city folks. He said the secret to life is One thing. Billy Crystal replies….your finger? Then Curly says it’s just one thing. You have to figure it out and stick to it. Our one thing is Jesus.


Do you try to fill your life with things? Do these things distract your faith from the Lord? Can you remember that faith is not eqaul to the sum of our activities? Today’s charge is easy in words, hard in actions. List all of the things you do. Do they help or harm your relationship with God? If it’s the latter, try to remove those things. Surrender to the Lord. You will be rewarded.

Lord, help me to always be open to you. GIve me strength to do those things that bring me closer to the one thing: Jesus.

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