183 – Healing Bodies and Hearts
#FaithBites #FaithJourney #FriendsRequest Healing
When we think of healing what do you think of? A doctor healing your body? Maybe a loved one healing your broken heart? Could it be the Lord healing your soul? Healing comes in so many forms that it is sometimes hard to see where the healing is coming from and what our role in the healing is.
Today was the first day of our new medical school. A day when 32 students take their first steps towards becoming doctors, healers of the body. During orientation this morning, I had a conversation with a student not about healing the body but about healing the soul. We talked about my faith journey, his search for a new church home, and how important belief in the Lord is. This wasn’t on anyone’s plan for the day, but the Holy Spirit works in mysterious ways. I spoke of my role in the church as the Lay Director of Witness and he said, shouldn’t that be everyone’s job? I agreed with him and wished him well in finding his new church home in a new city.
The practice of medicine is one way to heal. New schools are also recognizing the power of healing the mind and the spirit. When the three work together, we heal and grow. We have the power to rescue the spirit, heal the body, and help the mind.
Scripture on Healing
Featured Scripture: Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
Related Scripture:
- “Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.” – Jeremiah 17:14
- Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.” – Romans 15:2-3
A clinician I work with told me something about doctoring that I never knew. He said “Sol, I can be the best clinician, the best diagnostician in the world, but if the patient doesn’t trust me, they won’t be healed. They won’t take their medicine and won’t follow their treatment plans.” That stuck with me. If we don’t build trust, we can’t allow the Holy Spirit to work through us to rescue the weak and the needy. We aren’t able to expose them to the lord to deliver them from the hand of the wicked. It’s an awesome responsibility to be that trusted source.
As the airlines say, put on your mask before helping others. We need to be healed and turn to the Lord. Then we can help others see the Lord. We can build them up and not insult them for when we insult them we insult the Lord. That is powerful. Letting the Holy Spirit work through us, is our calling. We can help people heal and be delivered.
I am not perfect in this. My hope is that you don’t let those unannounced and unplanned opportunities pass you by. I had no idea that I would have a conversation about faith at work today, but I am glad I did. I was healed by this conversation and I hope the other person was as well.
First, can you see that you are God’s hand helps someone out of the darkness? Will you then make time to reach out to someone and talk about your faith journey?
I am willing to be the hand and make time with the help of the Lord.
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