May 26 – Small Acts – Big Impact

#146of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney

Small Acts – Big Impact

Yesterday, I went to my sister-in-law’s high school graduation. It was a fun time with family, friends, food, and reminiscing. When she got to the party, she wasn’t happy. A few “friends” who said they would come changed their mind. This small act of not coming to her party when they said they would, really upset her. What effort does it take to come for a few minutes, show support, and then go about your day?

These little acts happen all the time. I know I’m guilty of it. Saying I’ll do something small, then not doing it. Saying I will call you and forgetting. Making plans for a lunch, then bugging out because I had something else come up. Don’t get me wrong, we all have times when something comes up and we have to change plans. That’s part of life. What I’m talking about is when you just don’t ‘feel like it’. No major event, not something you have to do, but you just said ‘nope’. While I have had times when I needed a mental health break and I couldn’t come, at what cost is that to the relationship or person.

Me not going to a graduation isn’t huge. I don’t have a speaking part or have to be there, but I need to be there for support. The small acts can lead to a big impact on the other person’s day, their outlook, and overall relationship. While we may not speak of that, the impact is there forever. You can’t change it.

“Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made.’ – Matthew 5:33

The Lord detests lying lips,
    but he delights in people who are trustworthy.” – Proverb 12:22

When we look at scripture, we find that not doing what you said you would do, is lying. We don’t see it as lying but it is. You said you would do something for someone and then you didn’t. This is the same as a bold-face lie. Scripture, like the three above, shows how the Lord detests lying. If we can do something say yes if we can’t say no.

The problem is not only is it is a lie but it also causes disappointment, feelings of rejection, anger, and can cause isolation in the person or persons we disappointed. I’m not writing this faithbite as a guilt trip, but rather to show that these actions have consequences. Just as we wouldn’t want someone to lie or disappoint us, we need to see how our actions can cause these feelings in others.

Life happens sometimes and we have to break a date or a promise. We are not perfect. We can understand the impact this has on others and try to make this as rare of an occurrence as possible. Then, when it does happen, we ask for forgiveness both from the person and from God.

Are you willing to see how these small choices can have big impacts on people? Are you willing to do your best to make your word be meaningful?

I am willing with the help of God.


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