Give It To Me Straight!
December 3 – Give It To Me Straight, Please!

4:337 – Give It to Me Straight, Please!

#faithbites #faithjourney straight


When I say, “Used Car Salesman” or “mechanic”, what do you think about? Many think about getting shafted or scammed. That maybe they are being overcharged or work isn’t being done that is being charged for or the work is just being done poorly. And yes, these are stereotypes and don’t represent most used car salespeople or mechanics.

Today, I had a chimney sweep come to clean and inspect my chimney. This man was a rockstar. First, texted me when he would be late because another job was going long. Second, he brought in packages that were on my porch. Then, and most important, he explained everything that was going on. He was straight with all the possibilities, risks, and fixes for my chimney and fireplace. He didn’t try to upsell me or shaft me. We even talked about our families and life in general. This man was a great customer service person and a good human.

Today’s Questions: Are you always straight with people? Are they with you? How do you lay out the facts simply, truthfully, and straight to the point?

  • John 16:29 – Then Jesus’ disciples said, “Now you are speaking clearly and without figures of speech.
  • 1 Corinthians 14:9 – So it is with you. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air.

Our scripture doesn’t need a lot of interpretation today as it’s very clear. I will be straight with you and not use any figures of speech or unintelligible words. God tells us to speak clearly, openly, and honestly in all we do. If we aren’t clear, how can we expect others to understand our intent?

From personal experience, I can tell you when I read an academic paper that uses inflated words just to use inflated words, it’s a turnoff. When people beat around the bush, lie, or are not clear, I hate it. I want it to be clear and precise so I don’t misinterpret it. Likewise, when we share God’s word, we don’t need all the Thees and Thous when we want to share the joy that is Jesus’s love, peace, and forgiveness. As they say, Keep is Simple 🙂

As we close, let’s choose our words carefully. Let us be open, honest, and speak with clear intentions.


Lord God, you give us so much and we thank you. Sometimes, we use those gifts to use flowery language or tweak the message to make it more palatable to others. We ask that you help us to speak straight, clear, and simple. Let our words share your truth and help others to come closer to you. In your name, we pray, Amen.

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