Push The Pause Button - Unplug to Reconnect With GOd
Dec 10 – Unplug to Reconnect
2:344 – Unplug to Reconnect

#faithbites #faithjourney #knownlegacy unplug

I am tired and exhausted. So many different things going on. Connected to so many different people, places, and activities. As said on Known Legacy, I don’t have enough bandwidth for life.

Today we were having our holiday party at work. I was quiet and my boss asked me if I was ok. I said I was having anxiety issues. She asked if it was because of the crowd at the party. I said no, I don’t know why. She said that’s unusual for you because you do so well in crowds. Another friend asked me to help decorate doors for Christmas. I didn’t have the energy to really do that.

All of us get so involved so connected, that we need to unplug to be able to reconnect. Reconnect to God. Reconnect to ourselves. Be fully connected to our families.

The beautiful thing is no matter how overcommitted or overconnected we are, the Lord is always there for us.

  • I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh,” – Ezekiel 36:26.
  • “Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me,” – Psalm 51:12
  • “if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself. – 2 Timothy 2:13

We get tired, rundown, and overcommitted with life. Sometimes it feels as if we are far from God. It may feel that we don’t have the energy to pray, go to church, or be faithful. Maybe it feels that our hearts are heavy and there is no way out. The truth is God is our salvation, our restorer, and our father. We are of him. He can’t walk away from us as that would be walking away from himself.

Those words, His words, should give you solace. He will give you a new spirit, a new heart, and be faithful forever. All we need to do is believe. We need to take the time to unplug from the world to reconnect with God. He will give us the energy, rejuvenate us, and provide answers on how to move forward. He is an awesome God.

So for me, no more Facebook, work, or church work tonight. No laundry, dishes, or anything. Just relaxation, talking to the Lord, and getting a good night’s sleep. He will restore me and he will restore you.


Think about how you are feeling. Are you feeling exhausted and near the point of collapse? If so, then unplug from everything. Open God’s word or just pray. Then rest. The work doesn’t have to be done tonight. You need to rest and see your father.


Father, thank you for creating us. Thank you for being one who restores, rejuvenates, and reinvigorates us. No matter how hard life is, you are faithful to us. Give us the strength to unplug, to say no to the world and say yes to you. I know you are strong, gracious, and forgiving. Place your healing hands on us tonight, and give us rest. In your name, Amen.

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