When pain radiates it's no good
5/2 – Stop when the pain radiates
5:122 -Stop when the pain radiates

#faithbites #faithjourney radiates


“No Pain, No Gain.” How many times have you heard that? Mostly it is used in the gym as motivation to push through the pain. In physical therapy today, my therapist said that is the worst thing to do when you are hurt. If you are in pain and through the exercises the pain radiates, STOP. We don’t want to make it worse. It isn’t to stop doing everything forever but to find ways to push and modify the exercises so that pain doesn’t radiate and make things worse.

Life is often like that. We think the harder we work, the best it will be. That we need to keep going no matter what. I prefer the work smarter, not harder. If the pain radiates throughout you and throughout others in your life, maybe what you are doing isn’t the best course of action.

  • What do you do when the pain radiates? Do you push through or stop?
  • How can we use our pain as a guide for what to do next?
  • Jeremiah 17:14  Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.
  • 1 Peter 5:6-7 – So be humble under God’s powerful hand. Then he will lift you up when the right time comes. Give all your worries to him, because he cares for you.

Our God is an awesome God. He knows that we will face suffering and challenges but he never leaves us. He tells us that he will lift us up because he cares for us. If we are fighting and the pain is radiating, maybe the fight isn’t the right fight. Maybe we aren’t the right messenger or at the right place in our lives to be taking this particular fight on.

As we close, we know life won’t be easy, Jesus tells us that. But we know that what we do shouldn’t make things worse for us or those around us. When we are struggling and things are getting worse, we need to cast it all on God and let him work the way he does. He heals all. We know that their will be some pain, but lots to gain through his everlasting promises.


Lord Jesus, help us when we are in pain and struggle. Many of us think we need to just push as hard as we can and fight through the pain even when it radiates. Let us use your life as an example. Let us find ways to work around the pain and find those who can help shoulder the burden. We know you don’t want us to be in pain nor do you want us to make it worse. Help us Lord to find the right things that ease pain, not only for us but for those around us. We pray this in your name, Amen.

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