January 5 – Without A Leader, We Run Rogue

5:5 – Without A Leader, We Run Rogue

#faithbites #faithjourney leader


Most of us don’t want someone to tell us what to do. I can relate. Bering free to do whatever you can can be very appealing. The problem comes us without a leader, especially in an organization setting, people go rogue. It’s not that we try to do bad things or hurt others, but without a leader, people try to instill organization and leadership from their position. Leadership abhors a vacuum. This can lead to loss of focus, internal strife, and a feeling of chaos.

The same happens in our own lives. When we run by our own rules, we aren’t accountable to anyone. We can tweak our rules as they suit us. This may work in the short term but in the long term we feel lost and try to keep doing stuff to fill our Godhole.

  • How can we accept God as our leader and his Word as our rules?
  • How do we change our behavior to put God in the center rather than our own rules and laws.
  • Psalm 25:4-5 – Make me know Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; For You I wait all the day
  • Job 6:24 – Teach me, and I will be silent; And show me how I have erred.
  • John 8:10 – I follow Jesus so I shall not walk in darkness, but I have the light of life
  • John 10:3-5 – I hear Jesus’ voice and He calls me by name and leads me out. Jesus goes before me and I follow him, for I know his voice. I will by no means follow a stranger

When sselecting a leader, you want someone you can trust, who has your best interest at heart, and wants you to succeed. God our creator has plans to help us and see us succeed. He sent Jesus to make sure we could reconnect with him. He gave us laws to follow so that we can all be in the same page. Jesus is with us and will tell us which way to go. What we need to do, is follow the person who has our best interest at heart, is the same for everyone, and knows what tomorrow brings.

As strong as I am and as much as I want control, I don’t fit the bill there. I need someone I can follow and someone whom my actions show their work. As we close, chose who you follow carefully. Pick Jesus to be your guide and leader through all things.


Fathwr God, you are the beginning of the end. You made us for a purpose. Help us to always chose you as our leader over others and ourselves. Help us to apply your word and your laws to our daily activities. We pray this in your name, Amen.

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