November 25 – Happy Thanksgiving

4:329 – Happy Thanksgiving

#faithbites #faithjourney Thanksgiving


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. A real short #faithbites so you may continue enjoying time with your family. After the turkey, ham, carbs, carbs, and more carbs, there is rest. After the family has left, there is reflection. Love in the moment and give thanks to the Lord for he is the kne who has bleesed us.

Today’s Questions: Are you truly thankful to God for all he has given you?


Psalm 107:1 – Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
    for his steadfast love endures forever!


Everything we have, everything we are. Is because of God’s steadfast love endures forever. No matter what we do, what choices we make, our ups or downs, God’s steadfast love endures forever. When we feel we arent worth or weve fallen from Grace, God’s steadfast love endures forever.

As we close, remember we need to give thanks for our God. Our Savior. Our Champion, and our Rock. We are truly blessed.


lord God, thank you for your steadfast love. We thank you for today and everyday. We pray that after the fedticities arw over, you help us remember your love, your Grace, and your salvation. In your name, Amen.

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