October 21 – You Don’t Have To Be An Expert And Thats Ok

4:294 – You Don’t Have To Be An Expert And That’s Ok

#faithbites #faithjourney expert


In this day and age, it seems everyone wants to be an expert in everything. I’e seen people who think they know more than the best trained virologists in the world. I’ve seen others who think they have found the secret that everyone else has missed. I want to be an expert in everything too but realize that is not my area. I need to love, trust, and respect others. They have put the time, energy, and god given skills to get where they are. I can grow and learn but if I want to become an expert, I have to invest the time and energy to do that.

Today’s Questions: How do you find your place in the world? What do you do when someone who is an expert says something you don’t like?

  • 1 Peter 4:10 –  As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace:
  • 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 -Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.

When I think about these verses, I understand that God made me unique with special gifts. He didn’t give me all the gifts, nor does he expect me to be an expert in everything. He knew there were far too many many things for one person to know and created a community of experts. Yes, we can grow and learn. At the same time, we need to trust his plan.

It’s hard to admit that we don’t know everything. On top of that, qe want to feel special and unique for challenging an expert or solving something no one else has. While it is possible, its highly unlikely unless we spend the time, energy, and effort to become an expert.

As we close, remember God has made you unique and special at what you do. Trust that he has done the same for others that you rely one. Someone else vwing an expwrt doesn’t make you less of one in your area.


Lord God, you made us experts in our lanes. Help us stay in them and trust your plan. You have made experts that are all part of the body. Let us do our part and let them do theirs. We trust you to guide us, support us, and love us. In your name, we pray, Amen.

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