We all want a different future it doesn't make it wrong
October 12 – We All Want A Good Future!
4:285 – We All Want A Good Future

#faithbites #faithjourney future


I’ve often wondered about the nature of humans. Are we good but make mistakes or are we bad and sometimes do good? I know that goes back to original sin and your view of the universe. I try to think that we are all good, born sinful, and truly want what’s best for each other. Some of us only want people to be happy if they share the same exact values as us. In other words, their future looks like our future. Others are happy to help others achieve whatever they want. In other words, everyone has their own definition of a good future. The crux of the matter is, how as Christians should we love and help people have a good future?

Today’s Questions: What does a good future look like to you? When someone wants something different than you in life, how do you respond? Do you truly love your neighbor as yourself?

  • Psalms 34:12-13 – Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.
  • Romans 12:9-13 – Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. 12 Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. 13 When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.

Our Father in Heaven is clear that we should love him, love our neighbors, and be truthful. I have found that when I’m super passionate, I fail at this. My passion can twist his word and make me be spiteful and angry. The Romans verses, which we had in church on Sunday, really ring home to me. We can’t say we love our neighbors. We have to be truthful about it. To love with genuine affection is how God loves us. It’s not a love that wants anything in return or hopes that someone will change. It’s loving them for who they are. We are then charged to be active, rejoice, and work hard to serve the Lord. That service comes n how we treat others.

If it sounds like there is passion behind these words, it’s because there is. We can’t say I love you with our words and show hate in our actions. My future is very different than many of yours. You may not like how I choose to raise my children, but that is my choice. I try to follow God’s word to the best of my ability. Others may choose to do it completely differently. And that is ok!

As we close, remember to be true. True to God, true to others, true in love, and true to what you believe in.


Father God, you tell us that you love us and want us to have a great future. Help us support others in their goals even if they are different than ours. Help us to be strong and courageous for them. When we fail, which we will, we ask for forgiveness. Take away our anger, let our words be kind, fruitful, supportive, and provide encouragement. We pray all this in your name, Amen.

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