God answers when you call
October 6 – God Answers The Phone
4:279 – God Answers The Phone

#faithbites #faithjourney answers


One of my favorite movies is “Dead Poets Society“, starring the late Robin Williams. The movie hits on so many levels from conformity to fitting in all the way to suicide and the notion that someone cares about you. And of course, it brought Carpe Diem into the popular lexicon. I’m not sure why it resonated so much with me then but it still does now. For instance, I looked up the verse of the day and it talks about the poor man calling. The first thing that jumped into my head was the scene at the end of the movie when the student body is in an assembly and the phone rings. Charlie answers the phone and says that God is calling and says they should admit girls to the school. While God may not literally ring your phone or friend you like in God Friended Me, he will always answer your calls. You don’t have to be rich or righteous for God to answer.

Today’s Questions: How do you phone God? Are you ever afraid to call him up because of what he may say? Do you ever think he may not answer?

  • Psalm 34:6 – This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles
  • Isaiah 65:24 – Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.
  • Matthew 21:22 – And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

I had to read the Psalm verse twice. The key word for me is actually the first word, THIS. It doesn’t say a poor man, or some poor man, it says THIS poor man. This means that the verse applies to you, everyone one of you. That God answers no matter who calls. He will answer when you call. That is the power and the nature of our faith. We are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God. Nonetheless, we are loved by a Father who knows that we will call and is already listening. That’s it. That’s who our father is. When we call upon him, he is waiting for us and ready to answer.

As we close, remember that God is an amazing father. He will answer your call. You don’t need to wait for a specific time or for you to deserve to be answered. It doesn’t matter what is going on in your life,


Father God, thank you for answering the call no matter who calls. Thank you for accepting us as broken sinners. While we aren’t worthy of your love, you sent your Son to cleanse us to be worth. We couldn’t love you more. Tonight is a prayer of thanksgiving for all your do for us. We love you God.

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