October 3 – What Feels Good May Not Be What’s Right
4:276 – What Feels Good May Not Be What’s Right

#faithbites #faithjourney feels


I was talking to a family member about health care and what hime treatments are good based in a condition. She told me sometimes she dies what feels good but ut may nit be what’s right.

That statement sums up so much about our world, our lives, and sin. We often do what feels good even if its right. We may even go so far as to try to justify it as right because it feels good. The good thing is God tells us what is right and Jesus forgives us when we choose what feels good.

Today’s Questions: How do you decide betwewn what feela good and what is right. How done choose what feels good and is right at the same time?

  • Proverbs 14:12 – There  is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.
  • James 1:4 – But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.
  • Mathew 26:41 – Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

I believe that we all want to do good. At the same time, I k ow we are all tempted. We want the quick fix, the feel good emotion, and things to be easy. While there is no easy button. When we search for easy, we can be lead astray.

All three of our verses talk about the right and wrong way. The wrong road or wrong desire can lead us to death and destruction. Sure it may feel good in the befinning but no one wants that end. We need to help each other, listen to God and try to avoid temptation.

As we close, remember avoiding tenpatuon doesn’t mean to avoid what feels good. It means to look at what you want, see if its in Gods plan and act accordingly. Our God wants us to feel good in the right way.


Lord God thank you for giving us tools to try to avoid temptation. Lord Jesus, Thank you for forgiving us when we mess up. Help us to follow you and not our desires. Let us align our activities with what you want. You tell is ask and we shall receive. We pray that you help us wall with you in all that we say and do. In your name, we pray, Amen.

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