September 3 – Love others as YOU LOVE YOURSELF
4:246 – Love Others as YOU LOVE YOURSELF

#faithbites #faithjourney yourself


My best friend was having a rough day and I told him to take care of himself and do what he needed to do. He told me that I was too good to response was God tells me to love others as I love myself. (My focus was on the first part). He responded that he wished he could love himself as he loves others. That hit me like a ton of bricks. I am in the same boat. I give so much more to others than I do for myself. Today, I tried to change that by taking a mental health day, but it can’t be a one and done.


Mark 12:30-31 – Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’There is no commandment greater than these.”


Our God wants us to love him, love our neighbors, and love ourselves. Yes, everyone gets love. There is plenty to go around! We make it so complicated. Some of us love God unconditionally but don’t take care of ourselves or our neighbors. Others love our neighbors and neglect ourselves and God. Some love ourselves but neglect our neighbors and God. There are many variations of this, but in a nutshell, we have love for everyone. We show that love unconditionally and it starts at home.

Find ways to love yourself. Take a mental health day and make it a habit. Find 20 minutes in your day just for you. Find some way to make sure you are not neglecting yourself. If you do, you won’t have the love to worship God or share that love with your neighbors

As we close don’t ever forget that you are a loved, blessed, child of God who needs to be loved. So…love yourself!


Lord Jesus, you gave us very simple commands to love by but sometimes we mess it up. We over compensate in one or more areaa. Help us to make sure we love you, our neighbors and ourselves. Give us reminders so that in our effort to serve we don’t forget serving ourselves and those closest to us. We ask for this in your name, Amen.

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