July 10 – I’m Trying To Be Content
4:191 – I’m Trying To Be Content

#faithbites #faithjourney content


Somedays I have to really think about what to write for #faithbites, other days, it comes direct from God.

ive been thinking alot about new jobs, moving, new careers, and changes in general. Maybe it’s because I have some good friends who are moving, or as my Doctor called 2021, The Great Reshuffle. Either way, I have been unsettled.

Today, I looked up the the verse of the day, and God comes through again.

Today’s Questions: Is content something you are looking for? How do you become content when you aren’t?

  • Phillipoans 4:11 – I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.

God’s grace is sufficient for us. I can’t tell you how many times I have to just chill out and let God take over.

Money doesn’t buy contentment. New houses doesn’t buy contentment. A new job doesn’t either. The key is knowing that we are blessed with what we have already and let God do the work.

For me, the key word in the scripture is “learned”. We don’t get good at being content overnight. It takes a lifetime of prayer and understanding. When we find ourselves not being content, we have to think, why. It could be because we aren’t listening to God or he’s pushing us in a direction. He will tell you what it is.

As we close, remember God will provide for us. We just have to listen, learn, and be content. He will provide!


Lord God, thank you for reminding us, that sometimes as need to just be content..You have told us to be still, now you are helping us to know we need to be content. Thank you for also telling us that we don’t have to be good at everything right away. That we can take the time to learn and grow. We pray for this contentment in your name, Amen.

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