4:22 – Devotional Devotion
#faithbites #faithjourney devotional
Before I converted to Christianity in 2016, I had heard of a devotional but I didn’t know what it was. I knew that the word devotion meant a commitment or dedication or some purpose. I wasn’t sure what a devotional was. Now, I know that it is a way to dive into scripture and explore how it relates to what you are going through or help you understand a specific situation.
I was asked to write devotion and at first I thought it was what I do for #faithbites, then I realized the approach is opposite. In #faithbites, I write how I’m feeling, find scripture around it, then reflect on it. In a devotional, you start with the scripture then reflect around it.
A long story short, the purpose of #faithbites and of a devotional are the same. To dive into God’s Word and apply it to your life and times.
I ask you, what situation are you needed a devotional on? Or in other words, how can God’s word help you reflect and grow in your life and situation?
- Psalm 1:2 – But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.
- Luke 5:16 – But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.
- Psalm 143:5 – I remember the days of old; I meditate on all that you have done; I ponder the work of your hands.
We are reflecting on a devotional which is a reflection on God’s Word. I know pretty trippy right 🙂 The entire point of #faithbites is to understand that God’s word is directly applicable to your life. It isn’t just a book written 2000 – 5000 years ago that we read in church and sits on a shelf. His word is alive, active, and we need to spend time in it. Even Jesus went alone to pray and reflect.
As a challenge and in love, spend time in God’s word. It can be #faithbites, a daily devotional, a bible reading plan, or something more tailored to your schedule. Know that his word is powerful and impactful.
Let’s get reading 🙂
Lord Jesus, you give us so many ways to experience your word. Thank you for always making it real and applicable to our life. You knew that we needed you on a daily basis and your word is always here. Help us to read it and making thinking about it part of our daily routine. We love you and thank you. Amen
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