Nov 9 – Flip The Script
3:314 – Flip The Script

#faithbites #faithjourney script


It was 4:30 A.M. my daughter rhad crawled into bed crying for the second time that tonight. My dog was now up and wanting to play, go outside, and eat breakfast. All I wanted to do was sleep. I thought, “Great and now I have a dog awake on top of everything else”.

As soon as I thought that, I got a feeling I was looking at it all wrong. Maybe God was trying to tell me to flip the script.

I was blessed with a daughter who would come to me when she needed comforting. I was blessed with a dog who wants my companionship. Heck, I was blessed with a house and a bed. I get to have all of those things.

So often we focus on what we lose or what is going wrong that we don’t focus on the good things that God puts right in front of us. We need to flip the negatives into positives. Negatives take away energy, positives give us strength to keep serving God.

  • Proverbs 17:22 – A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19 – Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit”

When w entry to flip the script we are following God’s Word. In Proverbs, we see what haping a crushed spirit is. It tears us down. When we look at all of the negatives puking up and don’t look at the positives, we can be torn down. Its not easy to always be joyful. We can choose to focus on what we have control over.

This leads into the 1 Thessalonians verse. We need to rejoice, pray, and give thanks no matter what. Sure, at 4 in the morning when you are exhausted and it looks like the world is crumbling down, it’s hard. I get it. But God doesn’t want us to have a crushed spirit. He wants us to be joyful and live in Christ.

Again, not easy to do. This morning, and even know as I have one sick kid and one kid who wants my 120% attention, I wonder what I did to deserve this. As I write this, I can flip the negative “what did I do to deserve this?” into the ” What did I do to deserve this”! God blessed me with this.

As we leave etoday, remember, we can choose with God’s help to flip the script and focus on blessings instead of tragedies


What one situation is going on in your life where you want to or need to flip the script? Share it with God. Ask him for help in looking at your blessings.


Lord God, thank you for another day of life. We are so blessed by you and through you. Help us keep sin at bat and find out ways to flip the script. You never give us more than we can handle so help us, Lord. Let us be the positive force in this world and focus on what we can change.

We love you, Lord. In your name, we pray for your guidance, love, and patience, Amen.

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