Oct 24 – Clearing The Clutter
3:298 – Clearing The Clutter

#faithbites #faithjourney clutter


Clutter is everywhere. I don’t mind a little mess, but sometimes it seems like the mess in my house is taking over. The past few days, we’ve been clearing the clutter. I’m no Marie Kondo, but things need to have their place. So much crap. It’s funny, that we say we have nothing but there’s junk coming out of our ears. So, today has been a purging day.

Clutter not only makes our house messy but it can take away from our spiritual life. If we have too much stuff, it distracts us from communicating with God. With so many distractions in our life, why do we need to go to God.

Clutter can be physical junk, or the junk that we do just to be busy. When was the last time you say down for 10 minutes with no phone, tv, books, paper, music, or anything?


What season are you in? We know that Ecclesiastes tells us there is a time for everything and our 1 Corinthians verse tells us to do things in order. But where are you?

My family is in a season of finishing and purging. From my dissertation almost being done (#RoadToEdD), home repairs, and getting rid of clutter, we are finishing and getting ready for the next season. We aren’t quite to the neat and orderly, but hopefully we get there.

Let’s focus on what is physically and spiritually cluttering our lives and take it back to basics. You, God, and prayer. Then fill your life with other things, keeping that core neat and orderly


Are you feeling cluttered? Take 5 – 10 minutes and tune out everything. No phones, internet, paper, music, books, or anything. Just you, your thoughts, and God. If your thought drift to things you need to do, bring them back to clear. You will start to have some clarity. It will be hard but over time, you will see what’s important.


Lord Jesus, help us to clear the clutter in our lives. Give us the determine to throw away things we don’t need. We tend to board physical objects and behaviors that keep us busy but distracted. We seek you guidance as we break these habits and look forward to a new season in you, your word, and your way. In your name we pray, Amen.

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