3:124 – No Internet! Send Help!
#faithbites #faithjourney Internet
It’s been close to 36 hours without internet in the house. No tablets, no streaming music, no Alexa turning on the fan, no nothing. The natives are getting restless. (Yes, we have it in our phones but it’s not the same).
Dad, there is nothing to do. After I suggest toys, books, games, sleep, crafts, and more they say it’s all boring. We all need a break. So add to being stuck in quarantine, it’s fun. (Yes, this is a privledged post).
But as my wife said, what lesson is God trying to teach us with this?
- Psalm 32:8 – The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.
- Phillipians 4:9 – Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.
I believe that God gives us lessons all the time. When we don’t learn them, we get them again and again, and each time it’s harder.
We need to remember that our God loves us and wants the best for us. He wants us to grow and prosper. He teaches us everything we need to know to thrive, we just have to out it into practice.
The hard thing is we don’t always know what the lesson is or what skill to apply to which situation. This is where patience and faith comes in. We have to take a minute, breathe, ask for guidance, and tackle the problem.
He does this not to test us but to help us grow. When we master that lesson, we can enjoy his creation even more.
I don’t know what lesson he’s trying to teach my family by being in quarantine without the Internet, but it’s not easy. It’s about love, patience, and taking away the distractions so we can be a family.
What lesson is he trying to teach you?
Are you struggling in quarantine? Is there other stressors in your life? Look at the situation and see if you’ve experienced it before. Maybe God taught you the skills then and you need to reuse them. Maybe it’s a new situation and you need new skills. Go to God, he will answer.
Father God, thank you for providing us all the guidance we need in life. Help us to know what skills to apply to which situations. Give us the discernment to know what we don’t have the skills and the wisdom to ask for help. We know you want the best for us and we love you for it. In your name, Amen.
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