Are you following the instructions?
Apr 3 – Construction: Building The Chair

3:94 – Construction: Building the Chair

#faithbites #faithjourney construction

I am no construction worker. My hands weren’t designed to build things. I often admire those who can build things with their hands. They have an ability to take raw materials and make something useful. I don’t have that patience or the skills. But once in a while, when I do it, I get excited.

I decided to get myself a new home office chair for my birthday. 20 years and the old one had it. I was a little apprehensive about putting it together. I read and reread the instructions, then spent a lot of time making sure the base was strong. If the base was faulty, then everything would fall apart. And yes, I only made one mistake, but now I have a chair and it works.

When we start construction on our #faithjourney, we need to follow the instruction manual and make sure the foundation is strong.

  • (For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.) – Hebrews 3:4
  • You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. – 1 Peter 2:5
  • For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. – Ephesians 2:10

God constructed us in his image (Genesis 1:27). He built us for a purpose to serve and offer sacrifices to Jesus. He made us to do the work which God has prepared for us. I don’t know about you, but I believe God doesn’t make junk. He took the time to use the best intentions and parts to make us like him. Not only that but everything Jesus did was perfect. And do you remember what Joseph and Jesus did for a living? They were carpenters. Jesus did construction.
If we are to build on the cornerstone of Christ, we should probably have a strong foundation. That foundation is built correctly by following the instruction manual, a.k.a the Bible.

When I was building the chair, I joked with my wife if I should have lots of extra pieces. When we live, sometimes we take short cuts or do things the easy way. This leaves extra pieces. God wants us to be strong, complete creations. No shortcuts. We need to follow the instruction manual at all times.

But Sol, what happens if we fail? There is no if in that question. We will all fail as we aren’t perfect. But, through Christ, we are forgiven and can try again.

Is your #faithjourney a construction to be proud of? If not, how can you change it?


What step of the instructions are you on? Are you following the instruction manual? If not, pull it open, and start. Don’t know where to start? Check out one of the reading plans on Bible.Com. You will be fulfilled and build a stronger structure in Christ.


Lord Jesus, thank you for showing us what a perfect construction is in you. Help us to follow your instructions daily to build a strong foundation. We know it won’t be easy, so when we fail, please forgive us. Help us to worship, learn, and perform works that are pleasing to you. In your name, Amen.

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