No Matter What, Keep The Faith
Mar 25 – The Race Is Finished
3:85 – The Race Is Finished

#faithbites #faithjourney race

Today was a brutally long day. So long in fact, that I debated not writing a #faithbites today. But I figured, why snap an 800+ day streak. So this one will be short but meaningful.

Why do we live our lives? Why do we go on through all the hardships and struggle? The reason is we believe in Jesus Christ, salvation, and eternal life. We know that his promise of eternal life will be granted when out time is done.

So while my race isn’t done yet, (it’s just a stopping point), I know that one day the race will be finished and I will have kept the faith.


I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. – 2 Timothy 4:7


At the end of the day, when all of our days are done, I will know that I have fought the good fight, ran the good race, and above all kept the faith. I won’t have done it perfectly, but I know that through Jesus, I have been forgiven.

You too will finish the race one day. Know that no matter what happens, if you keep the faith and believe that Jesus is Lord and follow his teaching, you will have won the race.

I wish you all a peaceful night’s rest and hope for new energy to take on the next leg of the journey tomorrow.


Take a minute to reflect on your day. Have you kept the faith through everything? If you have, wonderful. Thank God for His strength. If you haven’t, ask for forgiveness and strive more tomorrow. You will always be forgiven.


Heavenly Father, thank you for your rest. Thank you for your Son and that through him, we know if we keep the faith, we will have won the race. Be with us through all the ups, downs, and craziness that is this world. You are waiting at the finish line with open arms. We can’t wait for that day. In your heavenly name, Amen.

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