Mar 14 – Kissing Your Forehead
3:74 – Kissing Your Forehead

#faithbites #faithjournery #COVID19 forehead

We all have different love languages. My primary is touch with my secondary being Words of Affirmation. This COVID19 social distancing is going to be hard for me. I love hugging, cuddling, and just being touched. Going to be a long few weeks.

Today, I had a float session to help me relax. It’s close to sensory deprivation, I don’t with no lights on As I was floating, I started praying and opening my heart about everything going on. After a while, with my eyes open, I started seeing shapes. A few minutes later, well I’m assuming it was a few minutes later as it’s hard to tell time, these shapes started to come together. I saw the image of a silhouette of someone kissing someone else on the forehead. The person doing the kissing never changed by the one being kissed kept morphing into different people and animals.

I have to believe it was the image of God showing me his love for everyone. That even when we can’t touch each other, his kiss is providing comfort. It was an amazing feeling.

  • Then his father Isaac said to him, “Please come close and kiss me, my son.” So he came close and kissed him; and when he smelled the smell of his garments, he blessed him and said, “See, the smell of my son Is like the smell of a field which the LORD has blessed; – Genesis 27:26-27
  • Greet one another with a kiss of love Peace be to you all who are in Christ. – 1 Peter 5:14
  • And they began to weep aloud and embraced Paul, and repeatedly kissed him, – Acts 20:37

In the new testament, greeting each other with a holy kiss is mentioned five times. We see kissing, not usually in a sexual way, but in a loving and comfort manner.

As we move forward, know that God is holding your face and kissing your forehead. He is giving you love and comfort. It can help when we can touch each other as frequently. Know that you are loved, protected, and embraced.

I believe God is here and holding my face right now. How about you?


Close your eyes. Push away all your fears, thoughts, and worries. Then open your heart to Jesus. Feel God’s hands on your face and his lips on your forehead. Fall into his Grace and be fulfilled.


Lord, again I come to you as we are scared. Some are loving the social distancing, others need to be touched. Kiss us on our forehead. Love us as you do. Let us know you are here and will help us stay connected at all times. We love you, Amen.

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