2:275 – Random Acts of Service
#faithbites #faithjourney #redletterchallenge Random
Since Sunday, we have been discussing how serving others imitates God. Yesterday, we discussed serving without getting rewarded or paid back. Today, is about random acts of service.
Have you ever mowed someone’s yard “just because”? Maybe you shoveled their driveway or took their trash bins back. Sometimes they may figure out it’s you, other times, they may neve know.
That is what service is all about. Do for others. It is also following the golden rule: Do Onto Others As You’d Have Done To You.
Imagine if we all committed one random act of service a day. What would our neighborhoods look like?
- But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back. And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them. – Luke 6:27-31
While, we hope people dont hate us, our service should be for all. A random act of midness towards an enemy may not change them overnight, but could have a ripple in their life down the road.
I have been touched by so many random acts of service. From Disney Magic, to friends taking the kids, to my grass being mowed, to just someone asking if I’m ok. This endears me to them. Not because I owe them but because I know that the Holy Spirit is working through them.
Remember, that no matter who it is, they can be blessed and changed through a random act of service. And while you aren’t doing it for payback, you will be rewarded through Jesus.
Pick one person tomorrow. Vow to do kne random act of service. It could be literally anything. Do it to see the impact on their life, not for any possible payback
Lord, thank you for our ability to serve. Be with all of your servants. From those doing well to those, like myself, suffering in physical pain. We all want to emulate you. We have been raised in a “What’s In It For Me” culture. Change our hearts. Turn us into servant leaders. Help us commit many random acts of service for your people. In your blessed name, Amen.
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