2:204 – Disconnect To Reconnect
#faithbites #faithjourney reconnect #DisneyDreams
I’m sitting in the airport waiting for our flight to begin our family vacation. When I look around, I see the vast majority of people (including myself), looking at phones, tablets, and computers. It’s very quiet in here. I did connect with my college roommate who is also going to Disney with his family.
I remember when I flew as a young child, the terminals were loud places with people talking to each other. On the planes we all played games, talked, and made new connections.
While I love the ability to connect remotely with people, sometimes we need to out down the tech and connect with each other and our God. Sometimes he is lost in the noise of tech.
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” – Isaiah 53:6
Our phones are a connection for is to what is going on. If we don’t read the latest gossip, play the latest game, or be up on the latest news, we are behind. We have FOMO (fear of missing out). These devices in and of themselves are not evil. When we miss out on what is going on all around us to “be connected”, that is when sin comes in. Let’s be mindful of what we are doing and missing out on. God isn’t in the phone, but all around us.
I will make this short so I can spend real time with my family.
Put down the phone. Don’t sleep with it right next to you. Talk to your neighbors and friends. And I mean, actually talk. Reconnect with them and with God.
Lord, thank you for all the technology that allows us to know what is going on and be connected to those who are far away. Remind us of those right next to us. Help us reconnect with them and reconnect with each other. We are your people, connect us with you and them. In your name, Amen.
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