2:140 – The Proof Is There If You Just Look
#faithbites #faithjourney proof
It’s hard to believe things when you don’t see them for yourself. It takes real effort to deny it when the proof is right there.
Tonight, my eldest and her friend got in trouble for messing around with a friend’s Ring doorbell. It’s one of those with a camera and such. She swore that she didn’t touch it. I showed her the video and she swore she didn’t do it. No matter what I did, she didn’t believe the video. She said her friend could have done it know her tablet. Even when I showed second by second. For her the proof wasn’t real because she didn’t want to believe as it wasn’t what she wanted to be true.
God is like that. He is everywhere and the proof is in everything from the air we breathe (just the right combination of chemicals), the Earth that supports the right animals for us to live, down to our very DNA. I am a man of science but the likelihood off all this happening randomly, is pretty much nil.
The proof of God is there, if you want to believe.
- And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him – Hebrews 11:6
- For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse – Romans 1:20
We can chose not to see that we are God’s workmanship (Ephesians 2:10) or that God didn’t make the heavens and the Earth (Genesis 1). But what does that buy us? It shows we don’t have faith and are left to our own devices.
When I was in High School, I went to a lecture with a notable physicist who talked about the Big Bang. I asked what happens at the end and he discussed many theories. The answer that he, nor anyone else could provide, is where did the stuff that made the big bang come from? Science shows you can’t create matter out of nothing. So what happened?
That at the very basic level shows God made the stuff that makes us.
But if the Bible, if seeing God’s works and living in this word isn’t proof enough if his existence, then this #faithbite won’t change your mind.
Let’s rejoice in our faith and please he who gave us all if this.
If you are reading this, you probably already believe in God. It may not be how I envision him, but the creator of all things. Rather than looking at science for proof he doesn’t exist, use science and knowledge to prove he does.
Lord, thank you for the world we live in. We know that it isn’t perfect because of our sin. We also can’t help but to see you in all living things. You set in motion this works and all of us. You are also here to guide, shape, and mold us in your image. Help us to remember your hand is always here to protect us. Remind us to enjoy the beauty of the life and world you created. In your name, Amen.
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