April 27 – And Then, Jesus Shows Up
2:117 – And Then, Jesus Shows Up

#faithbites #faithjourney Shows

Think about many action movies you have seen. Throughout the movie there is a hero you root for. Then, the evil in the movie strikes down, removes, or significantly injures the hero. The rest of the team tries to go one and complete their quest. Right when it looks like the team will fall, the hero shows up to give them the strength to defeat the enemy. Sounds like many of the movies I love.

Today, our church was blessed to install Pastor Billy Newell as our next senior pastor. It was a lovely service with a message by Pastor Micah Greiner. While there are many nuggets to pull from his sermon, the one about being fearful when your leader is gone, rings true. In a time when our church is looking at a new physical home, our senior pastor for 20+ years has left, the community is changing, and we have a new senior pastor, fear has a way of sneaking in. But just like those movies I like, this is when Jesus shows up.


On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.

Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” – John 20:19-12


Normally, we share three or four verses, tonight, this reading sets the stage well. Just like in our movies above, this shows the disciples in hiding. They were fearful of the future of their church. The Jewish leaders were after them, their leader who sweated blood, shed blood, now had his blood stopped, and they didn’t know what the future would be.

Then, out of the blue, Jesus shows up. He doesn’t say hi, he doesn’t tell them what to do at first, but says “Peace Be With You”. This peace, or Shalom, isn’t an idle greeting. It means, “everything will be right again”. He is telling them do not be fearful of the change for I am with you to the end of the age. Everything will be right and good, now go out and spread the good word.

When we experience change and what we perceive to be setback, we might just want to circle the wagons and turn inwards. But Jesus gives us his peace. He tells us it will be ok and to go out and share it. Change is hard, especially when we have followed one person for many years. But Jesus gives us many Earthly leaders to follow. His gives us his peace and tell us that even though we may be scared, we may wonder about the future, that everything will be ok.


Are you struggling with a change in your life. Maybe something happened at your house of worship, with your family, or with work. Don’t try to tackle those things on your own. Remember that Jesus shows up when he is needed, which is all the time. We just need to look to him, share our problems with him, and seek his peace. Take a minute or two to turn your worries to Christ and seek his peace.\


Holy Father, thank you for your son Jesus. Thank you for giving us his peace. Put your arms around Pastor Billy and team Newell. Give them the strength, guidance, and peace that this new journey will require. Be with Trinity Lutheran as your church moves into the next phase. Let everyone know that even in the darkest days, the days with the most doubt, Jesus shows up and gives us his peace. In your glorious name, Amen.

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