February 27 – Love Thy Neighbor. PERIOD

2:58 – Love Thy Neighbor. PERIOD

#faithbites #faithjourney neighbor

I’m heated tonight. I’m heated because I see too many “good Christians” sharing messages of hate. “Build a Wall Keep Those People Out”. “Be Warned in a few years there will be enough Muslims to vote our president”. “Don’t trust the lying liars”. “We are better than those people”. I am so tired of it. Jesus told us to love thy neighbor. He didn’t put any restrictions on that.

I wish people who believed in Christ like they say they do, listen to his lessons.

I am not perfect as I have anger, and mispeak often, but what I am seeing more and more is scary. This isn’t a Republican or a Democratic thing. It’s an ignorance thing. We don’t have to like people, but we do have to love them.


“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” – Matthew 22:36-40


What does this mean? It means to love each other. We all make mistakes and we have our feelings on how our country should go. But when we share memes, quotes, and sentiment like that, we are doing exactly what Jesus told us not to do.

We need to find common ground with all peoples of all nations. This is what we are commanded to do. Unless we come together as one, we are lost. This is where sin and Satan come in.

Let’s try not to classify people into these buckets, but rather as children of God. Even if they don’t believe, guess what? They are still children of God.


Before you share a meme or an article, think about it. Does it reflect who Christ is? Does it show who you truly are or does it show sin and malice. Remember we get what we put out into the world. Try to be more, Christ-like in what you share and say.


Heavenly Lord. Help replace my anger with love. Show me your words so I can reach out to all of your children. Help us to remember that we are your servants and we are all your children regardless of what we do, we are yours, and you love us. Remind us to share that love with everyone. In your name, Amen.

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