January 24 – Exhausted AND Energized – Finding Energy in Activity

2:24 – Exhausted AND Energized – Finding Energy in Activity

#faithbites #faithjourney activity

Today was our second annual curriculum retreat. It was a day I co-planned with our office manager to help nearly 100 faculty and staff understand our curriculum, learn new ways to teach, learn more about each others, and better understand our students. It was a lot of planning, logistics, and presenting. As the day progressed, I became more and more tired but more and more excited. That may seem to be an oxymoron, but it’s true.

I was exhausted from the effort and presenting but energized through presenting, through seeing others “get it”, and seeing the new bonds they formed. Some call it the conference high. I definitely want to sleep but am excited.

Many times we think of vacation as the time to relax and get re-energized. Other times, it’s in doing work like this and through reconnecting with people that we can get energy.

  • Lazy hands make for poverty,
        but diligent hands bring wealth – Proverbs 10:4
  • but those who hope in the Lord
        will renew their strength.
    They will soar on wings like eagles;
        they will run and not grow weary,
        they will walk and not be faint. – Isaiah 40:31

Our faith is a faith of action. Similarly, our two verses talk about activity: one in diligent hands and the other in hope in the Lord. Hope is an active process. When we are connected to others, when complete a task, when we help others grow, we feel delight, joy, and enthusiasm. All of these can give us the energy that we are lacking. This may not recharge the physical energy you are down, but can recharge the emotional, mental, and spiritual energy.

Around mid-afternoon, my knees were buckling from exhaustion. I just wanted to call it a day. By 5, my body was done, but my mind was relieved having finished an awesome conference, and meeting new people. I was restored through conversation and activity. It doesn’t have to be one or the other. We can have both.


Are you exhausted? Maybe you are tired and worn-out. First think about where that exhaustion and tiredness comes from. It may be physical or it perhaps it is mental and spiritual. Commit to doing one small activity to be restored. Pray. Talk to someone. Right a reflection on your day. The simple activities can pay huge dividends.


Heavenly Father. Thank you for being with us today during our conference. Thank you for the new connections, the sharing of information, and the energy you give to all of us. Help us to remember that through our hands and activities we can restore our spiritual energy. Be with us to turn to you for how to be restored as all good things come from you. Amen

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