December 7 – Suck It Up Daddycup
341 – Suck It Up Daddycup

#faithbites #faithjourney suck

We all deal with pain and suffering. Some more than others. Looking at the pain I have experienced in my life and compare it to others. I am so blessed that I haven’t had the suffering that others have had. I know that others probably look at my life and some think that I’ve gone through nothing and others think that it’s a hard life.

Today was one of those days that no matter what I kept moving. Between going to breakfast with my eldest for an early birthday to eating lunch at her school with her friends, playing at recess, shopping, errands, cooking, baking, more errands, my knee is done. I am having trouble walking right now and the ice pack is calling me. But I suck it up.

When I look back on these events, I will see that I persevered. I also hope that my children will see that even when you are in pain, you can succeed. I also am trying to teach them at sometimes, you need to rest too. It’s a hard balance for sure.

  • For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised. – Hebrews 10:36
  • But the one who endures to the end will be saved.- Matthew 24:13
  • Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth. – Revelation 3:10

Being in pain is a big bag of suck. Having a terrible disease as a child sucks. Not being able to make ends meat sucks. This post isn’t to negate the pain and suffering, nor is it to say keep going and don’t take care of yourself. In fact, perseverance is succeeding and continuing in spite of what is going on. It’s learning how to do what you need to do and taking care of yourself.

Sure, my knee is in pain and it will sting in the morning. But now I will lay down, put ice on it, and take it a bit easier tomorrow. I also know that nothing I did today would damage it more. So I made the choice to suck it up and enjoy my family.

In faith, we are told that our journey will not be easy. We must have endurance and do those things that God wants us to. Jesus will come back and when he does those who persevered in faith will be saved. We are patient and we must have perseverance always. Even though we struggle, we have to look back and what we overcame and see the beauty that we were part of through God’s plan.


Think about your personal pain. Is it physical, mental, or spiritual? Do you want to give up? I know that it is hard, but before you do, reach out to someone. Pray hard and listen to God. He will give you the strength to overcome all your challenges.

Today’s picture selection by Cece.

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