300 – One Family of God
#faithbites #faithjourney family
Before we get started, this is the 300th day of the year, meaning I have been writing #faithbites or sharing scripture for 300 days straight. I was hoping to have an uplifting message for #300 but today my heart breaks. I thank you all for reading and commenting. 65 days to go. And now, back to faithbites.
11 gunned down while worshipping in a synagogue in Pittsburgh. 11 lives ended in a place where all are welcome. A place where God is present and all worship. One person targetting others because of false news and hatred. While I am now a proud Christian, I will always be a Jew. I am proud of my heritage. I am proud of the struggles of the Jewish people and that we are all sons and daughters of the same God.
My heart breaks at the number of attacks, killings, attempted bombings and more going on. I am actually at a loss for words. This isn’t what we should be as Americans. This isn’t some outside force that is attacking us. It’s not “rapists and murders” from an unknown country. It’s not a foreign power trying to take us over. This is us as Americans doing this to ourselves. We are one nation under God.
God has us all as part of his family. When we remember to love God and love people, the other differences seem so tiny.
- So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. – Galatians 6:10
- If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. – 1 Corinthians 12:26
- A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. – John 13:34
My words are shallow and trivial compared to the words of God. We are in his family, in his household. In Galatians, we see that we need to do Good for EVERYONE, especially those who are of the household of faith. What does that mean? Should we not be nice to those who are not like us? Maybe just ignore them? No. we do good by them. No killing, no murdering, not bigotry, or hate or anger.
In 1 Corinthians we see that we all suffer together when one suffers. When one is honored we all rejoice. I know some will say that people are gunned down everyday or that bad things just happen. While that is true, it doesn’t lessen the pain we should all feel. I know that I am desensitized at times, but I will try to rejoice and suffer with those in need and pain. Moreover, I will give my time and soul to help them.
I have talked about this in most of the faithbites. John 13:34 or more simply love each other as Christ loves us. It doesn’t say only the Christians, only the Caucasians, it doesn’t say any of that. We should love all of his children.
I don’t have the words to share my disgust, hurt, and pain at what is going on. But we can change this. We can be the difference in the world. Love God, Love People. It’s that simple.
Do you feel the joy and sadness of others? Maybe you get jealous when someone has joy or maybe you ignore when someone is sad. We all do it from time to time. Try to listen deeply, truly, and fully to your friends and neighbors. Reach out to those who are different from you. Share the love of God with those who are willing. Even when they are not, be the love in the world that Jesus was. We are all his family.
Lord, help me always be part of your family. Heal my heart and those in the world feeling hurt, ignored, slighted, or unloved. Your love is always around us, let me feel that in all I do.
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