October 13 – Nervous About Change
286 – Nervous About Change

#faithbites #faithjourney Nervous

Life is full of change. I think that is something we can all agree on. Some change we like, other change terrifies us. I try to be an optimistic person who is excited for the future and for change. Sometimes though, like now, I have nerves on top of nerves. The funny thing is, these are things I should not fear, but be excited for.

Tomorrow, we join a new small group at church. While I believe I know everyone, this is a different group than the one we have been a part of for the past two years. Different people, different atmosphere, and different function. Sure, it’s still great people with great fellowship, but I have fear and nerves around it. Will my kids like it? Will my wife and I get the spiritual growth we had in our other group? Can we have the same family feeling we had with our other group?

At the same time, starting on Monday, I get to facilitate a class at work for a week. It is an exciting but nervous time for me. It’s a change that I want, it’s something that a trusted colleague wanted me to do, and I know the students. But yet, I have extreme nerves about it. All the “you’ll do fines” in the world, doesn’t help that go away.

The strange thing though is that in my faith, I know Jesus is already there. I know I have nothing to fear or be nervous about, but it is still there.

  • I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go – Genesis 28:15
  • “The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves.” – Zepheniah 3:17
  • The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold – Psalm 18


I know that God is there and watches over me. I know there is nothing to fear as I am saved. The funny thing though, is I still feel nervous. Tonight I went out to get some hot chocolate and it hit me. Knowing that Jesus is there, doesn’t take away all the fear, but it gives you a safety net. It’s like going into a haunted house. You know you will be ok, nothing can really hurt you, but you are still afraid. Or going on a rollercoaster, it will scare you, but you will be ok. (Yes, I know there are freak accidents, but I’m talking about the normal times).

I think even though the Lord is my rock, salvation, and fortress; it is ok to still have a little fear or nerves. It helps to keep you alert and ready. I know that isn’t comforting at times, but in my heart of hearts, He is already there waiting for me.


What are you afraid of or nervous about? Is it something new or a change you weren’t expecting? Do you still feel nervous even though you know God is there? In those cases, listen to the Lord’s words. Feel the fear and the nervousness, but use his strength to channel it. He will guide you and protect you.

Lord, help heal my heart. Take away the nerves and fear I have. Empower me to change the feelings into those of action to benefit those around me. Help me to always find my place through serving you.

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