August 6 – Amazing Nature, Amazing Love
218 – Amazing Nature, Amazing Love

#faithbites #faithjourney Amazing

I’ve written many times both about being alone and about God’s love. Today showcased both. So amazing.

Today, I had the privilege if driving a jet ski across a nearly empy lake. Going nearly 40 miles an hour, across a quite lake, with a light breeze, I at first felt alone. Then I felt the amazing power of God. From the birds, to the water, to the wind, to the lake, I felt his presence all around me. I was alone but surrounded by his love. This was amazing.

Later in the evening, I went to the store ona n ATV with my oldest behind me. She was smiling, happy, and enjoying our time together. She said she loved Daddy / Daughter time. Then we saw a deer, standing in the driveway looking at us. Followed by a family of deer and the sunset. I felt her arms squeeze me tight and take in all of a God’s nature. Amazing.

Being so small in nature but so apart of everything.

Scripture on Being Part of Nature

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
or let the fish in the sea inform you.
Which of all these does not know
that the hand of the Lord has done this?
In his hand is the life of every creature
and the breath of all mankind – Job 12:7-10


We are part of his creation. No matter how isolated we feel or how large we feel, we are one piece of God’s world, his love.
Today, I felt my daughter’s love ajd through her the Lord. I felt part of the world as I was riding across the water and the land. He was with me.

No matter if you are in the woods, on the lake, in the mountains, in the desert, or in the city, the Lord is here. You are here on purpose, for a purpose. So amazing.


Open your eyes. Look around the world you live in. Can you feel God’s presence? Are you able to appreciate the world and how you are part of it? Take this time to share your feelings with others. Your experience in being part of God’s world is more powerful than you know.

I am willing to share my experience being part of his amazing world.

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