#173of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney #Repetition
Repetition: Again and Again
Wake up. Bathroom. Shower. Shave. Dress. Eat. Get Kids Ready. Work. Eat. Work. Home. Rinse and repeat. Like is filled with repetition. We do things over and over again for two main reasons. One is that it is easy to remember what to do next and two, it provides a sense of comfort. When we know what is next, our anxiety and nervous energy are dissipated. Are know what is going to happen day after day after day after day.
While this does provide comfort is also can provide a feeling that something needs to change.
I have been working on building our courses online for the past few months. The past month has been day in and day out building our courses. Copy – Paste – Copy – Paste – Ask Questions – Copy – Paste. It has started to drive me nuts. I want something to change. I want someone else to do it and get away from the craziness that is our learning management system. We all want some sort of change, but do want change for change’s sake or for something better? And if we make a change, is it better for us at the expense of others?
“So he left them and went away once more and prayed the third time, saying the same thing.” – Matthew 26:44
“Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’ who was, and is, and is to come.” – Revelation 4:8
“pray continually” – 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Reflection and Charge
Waking up and knowing you are going to face the same day is hard. You know the challenges that you will face but you also know the joys you will face. Many years ago, when I was single, I had someone talk about being single and being married. When you are married, you wake up to the same person every day. Then they said it again in a happy exciting tone. You get to wake up to the same person every day. You have someone who will be there for you no matter what. We need to see repetition as a good thing.
Jesus has many repetitions in his activity. On many occasions, he prayed and prayed and prayed saying the same thing. We even know at the end of days, the creatures will shout about his Holy nature day and night. We also know that we are told to pray continually. Our prayers do not get old to God. This is as if a child is talking to their parents. We want to hear our kids and be part of their lives. (Yes, there are times when I just want my kids to be quiet for a bit, but that’s another story). The Lord has more patience than I and wants to here us. We are not alone. Our Muslim friends pray five times a day. Why? Because God wants to hear from his children. This repetition is the same repetition that gives us peace, comfort, and lessens our anxiety.
While we may want to break a cycle of repetition, we need to be careful about what we wish for and why.
Are you in a cycle of repetition for prayer? Do you pray continually?
I am and will continue with the help of God.
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