June 13 – Passion of the You

#164of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney

Passion of the You

We see those people enter the room. They have a presence about them. They are comfortable in their skin. We turn and look at them. We feel their presence as much as see them. This in many cases is because they show their passion. They dive all in and embrace who they truly are. (Of course, we know they have problems just like the rest of us, but they are connected and engage in what makes them whole). Note, I didn’t say happy, rather whole.

On the final leg of my trip, I saw a young, smiling, open, woman who was our flight attendant. She was happy to be there. She was happy to help others. She really enjoyed her job. She wasn’t just there bringing in a paycheck. Her name…..Passion. I can’t make this up. She showed passion and was Passion.

Do I think she has bad days? Sure. Do I know what she is feeling inside? No. I know how she made me and others feel. She was true to herself at that moment.

This is something we all can strive for. To show our passion, but what does passion really mean?

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
    for they will be filled.” – Matthew 5:6

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” – Colossians 3:23

We have talked about how language changes. Nothing shows this better than the word Passion. We think of Passion as an intense burning desire for something. It’s what we put our heart and soul into. Did you know that Passion in the bible is pretty much the opposite?  From Dictionary.com, Passion is: 1125–75; Middle English (< Old French) < Medieval Latin passiōn- (stem of passiō) Christ’s sufferings on the cross, any of the Biblical accounts of these (> late Old English passiōn). There you go. Passion meant Christ’s sufferings on the cross. Compassionate then meant to be with those suffering.

I bring this up to show how a word that meant such terrible pain and suffering (don’t forget it was for you), has given us a word that means an intense burning desire. Christ wants us to work with all our heart as working for the lord and not human masters. When we don’t show our passions, we are being fake. We aren’t using the gifts Jesus suffered (passion) for rather we are striving for the immoral passions.

So when I met Passion today, I saw a great example of what that word means today. We are meant to show the passion in our callings. We are meant to thoroughly live as Christ would want us to, fulfilling the roles and duties God commands.

Are you ready to acknowledge Christ’s passion and how it influences yours? Can you commit to being true to your passions and showing it to the world?

I am ready and committed with the help of God.

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