#119of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney
Today’s lesson is part two of focusing on the self. Yesterday, we talked about being selfish, today we talk about being self-respectful. What does that mean? It means to take time for yourself. Time to recharge. Time to recuperate. Time to not carry the weight of the world, and just be. What does that look like?
As I’ve talked about before, I have bad anxiety. It is managed through medication, personal time, prayer, and relaxation. When one of those things get out of whack, everything gets out of whack. Kids, school, work, family, obligations, everything builds up. Yesterday and today weren’t great days on those fronts. The eye starts to twitch. The headache increases, the focus deteriorates, and the snapping begins. These are my symptoms, what are yours?
The worst part of this is you can’t be the person you want to be. You have given up so much and continue to give up to help others, all the while you are going further and further down the hole. This isn’t healthy. Just as we spoke of giving into someone who is selfish can only be sustained so long, giving of yourself without rest, can only go on so long.
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7
“A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” – Proverbs 11:25
“The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” – Exodus 33:14
The Lord refreshes us. The Lord wants us to be generous. The Lord wants us to give up our anxiety to him. He has broad shoulders. This isn’t easy. For those who give and give and give and give some more, it’s hard to know when you need rest. When you need a me party. A time to reflect, to enjoy yourself, to lower your guard and just enjoy yourself. While you are having your me party, don’t forget to invite the one who cares for you, who will make you prosper and who will give you rest. For without him, we are only resting the body, not our soul. We need him to refresh our soul and let the Holy Spirit enable us to continue to bear witness, continue to refresh others. As the old adage goes, sometimes you have to put on your mask before helping others.
Are you able to admit you need rest? Are you willing to have a me Party and invite the Lord to it? Are you willing to see that needing help or a break isn’t weakness but strength?
I am willing and (with the help of God)
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