April 7 – Doorways to Faith

#97of365 #FaithJourney #Faithbites

Today’s lesson is about coming to faith. As we’ve talked before, I believe that God, Faith, Religion, and Church are four different but connected things. We all have our #faithjourneys. How we found or lost faith, what trials and tribulations we have been through,  and where we are at today. Mine is no different.

Last night, as a family, we watched the live version of Jesus Christ Superstar. I really enjoyed it. Very powerful. I had to explain what was going on at different points to my daughters. From who was who to where scripture talked about the events. The scene where Judas kills himself was very powerful for one daughter. My other said that even though Judas was bad, Jesus loved him. We talked about everything throughout the. It was a vehicle to reinforce faith.

Others who have seen it had negative comments since they made Judas too sympathetic or the resurrection wasn’t shown (it was implied in my opinion) or the writers believed that Jesus was just a man and discounted the show altogether.

To me, these points don’t matter. The reason? It gets people talking. They learn about the history. They may be inclined to do research both historical and biblical. It is a way to open the door.

“My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” – John 14:2

” know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.” – Revelation 3:8

I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. – John 10:9

I believe in Jesus. I believe in God. I believe that religion is our attempt to put God into terms we can understand in our human minds. I believe that churches are different in any given denomination, with different daily operations, fit and feel. I don’t think there is a right denomination or a right church. They are all faulty as they are run by people who are sinners. The interesting thing though, is we work together in his name. A friend at church told me, “Sol, God’s house has many rooms. You need to find the one that feels right for you”. That is what I believe. I love our home church. I feel comfortable there. Is it perfect, no? But the only perfection is in God.

We as a family walked through our door of faith through our youngest and her school. No pressure, just information. The reason for us wasn’t faith but financial. How it changed when we felt the holy spirit. For me, if the door to belief in Christ is from financial needs to a Broadway musical to one of my faith bites, that’s God working in his mysterious ways.

Are you willing to see the various doors God has opened for you? Are you willing to help others see those doors and walk through? Are you willing to look beyond the criticisms of the world and see how God is bringing faith to you?

I am willing (with the help of God.)

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