Today’s lesson is about memorization. I know you are wondering what memorization has to do with the bible or faith. I can tell you it is very connected.
I was asked to be in a play for Lenten Service next week. I thought, sure I love a play, who doesn’t. Then when I got the script it was a three-page monologue. I started to freak out. I was scared. I was anxious. Sure, I can talk for hours on end about anything, but memorizing a script to deliver a message in front of the church? I started to worry. I started to panic a bit. Everyone said the holy spirit is with you. He will guide you. Don’t worry. Many others said they would be scared too. Even a pastor said, he couldn’t do it but could preach on a topic, easily.
I talked to our senior pastor, and he said: “Make it yours”. The specific words don’t matter. The feeling, the main points, that is what matters. Pray, use notes, whatever it takes to help get the message across to the people. Make it connect to them. I chuckled a bit because that’s what I tell our faculty when teaching. Don’t worry about the words. Make it yours, make a connection with your students. Even in our new college, we aren’t as focused on rote memorization but the development of lifelong research, compassion, and clinical skills. The details are easy to search, the main point and the reason are not.
The Word of the Lord is no different.

From Stepping Stones
“Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.” – Deuteronomy 11:18
“The law of their God is in their hearts;
their feet do not slip.” – Psalm 37:31
“Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” – John 17:!7
I confess that I do not remember the specific words of sections of scripture. (Though I do work on it and want to someday as it is wonderful to have the Word of the Lord on your heart). I remember the feelings and the main points of many of them. they are fixed in my heart and mind. I will not slip. I research out specific passages to read the word. That doesn’t stop me from delivering a message. It doesn’t stop me from being a witness. Don’t worry about the ins and the outs. Read the word. Listen to your heart. The is the Holy Spirit helping you find the words to relate the feelings. Then you can find the exact words later through a search.
So next week, I will deliver the word. It won’t be a perfect line for line or word for word presentation. It will be the feeling and the intent. I will do so with the Holy Spirit in front, behind, and on my sides.
Are you willing to look into your soul and share the word? Are you willing to accept you may not get it all right, but that’s ok? That you can always do more research later?
I am willing (with the help of God)
#68of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney
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