February 4 – Broken and Fearful

Today’s lesson is on being broken and fearful. Fear not, I am doing very well. I wanted to touch upon these two topics as it is central to who we are as humans and our relationship to God. I look at facebook and see the awesome things people are doing. I hear stories of amazing activities and wonder why I am not like that. I wonder why I don’t have my stuff together. Then I try to act the part. I know many of us do and it relates to our talk the other day on masks. But being broken isn’t a bad thing. Being broken is called the human condition. We have faults, we have weakness, we have sorrows. We also have joy, love, peace, and kindness.

In PastorWirsing’s message today, the main point was “The Lord’s great delight is in those who put their hope in this love”. We sin. We make mistakes. We are broken. That is sin. What makes it worse is when we put on an act or make walls around us to shield us. When we do this, our sorrows and brokenness are intensified as they are walled in. Talking about it. Praying to God. Asking for his help helps make us whole.

“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” – Romans 7:15

Great is our Lord and mighty in power;
    his understanding has no limit.” – Psalm 147:11

As Paul said in his letter to the Romans, you know what is right and wrong but sometimes you do the wrong thing because it feels good or provides gratification. Then you hate it or are remorseful.  Let’s not be fearful of our actions but follow God’s wishes for us. He wants us to be happy, healthy, prosperous, and follow His law. He wants us to worship Him and share our time, talent, and treasure in His name helping others. We shall be fearful of Him (which I learned means deep reverence and love for God), but not live in fear as He sees our brokenness and grants us peace, forgiveness, and salvation. We just need to believe in Him and His word.

Remember, the stories you read on Facebook and those that people tell you are usually the best things. They are hiding their brokenness. They are more like you than you know.

Do you believe? Are you willing to show your brokenness to Him, even though He already sees it?

I am

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