January 9 – Waiting

God I hate waiting. Or God, I hate waiting. I am impatient at times. I want the next. Passing time between the now and the next is boring. But that waiting is when we experience life. It is here where we make space for God. We have talked about his plans, and his plans include waiting. We have become so impatient as a society: 24 hour news cycle, shopping 24 hours a day, fast food. We go for the next and forget about the why and the how.
Let’s learn to be comfortable with waiting.

I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Psalm 27:13‭-‬14 NIV

“Waiting is courageous. Waiting is brave. Waiting is active. Waiting is full of experience along the way. It’s not a void that we’re stuck in until something new happens. It doesn’t make us victims of circumstances we can’t change. Waiting is growing and is pursuit. Waiting cultivates strength and rich experience.

Waiting can be hard but waiting can be joyful.

And waiting can only be joyful when my heart is filled with thanks.” YouVersion Curiosity of Faith

#9of365 #SolsThoughts #FaithJourney

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