4:159 – Change Is What We Make It!
#faithbites #faithjourney change
Anytime something changes it can be a challenge. Today was my first day back from vacation and it was a bit of a struggle. Not just the work but changes at work. My boss leaving, a work colleague changing her role, and the eventual return to the office is more change than I can handle in one day.
At the same time, change can be rewarding. The scariest part of change is the unknown. When we were swimming in the gulf on vacation, everyone started pointing and said, “Look st the dolphin”. A family near me said, “Sure, it’s a dolphin until it’s not a dolphin.” They knew it wasn’t a dolphin but a shark. It didn’t hurt anyone but that changed how I viewed the situation. Be it dolphin/sharks, good/bad changes, home/office work, any change can be scary. What comforts me is knowing that God will never leave me no matter how crazy the changes get.
Today’s Questions: What about change frightens you? What about change excited you? How do you weather change?
- Deuteronomy 31:8 – Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
- Psalm 32:8 – The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.
- Matthew 6:27 – Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?
God’s word never disappoints! When I started writing this, my heart was heavy as I don’t know how to cope with all of this change. My mind knows it will be fine, my heart, that’s another story. But as I looked up scripture, God tells us to not be afraid. No matter the ups and downs, He has this.
In Deuteronomy, the word that sticks with me is, personally. This isn’t some omniscient aloof God. This is a God who is personally looking out for me and is walking ahead of me in my path. If my God is willing to do that for me, why should I be afraid?
All of the worry and anxiety doesn’t help. Inatthew we see, that not one of us, can add a single moment to our lives. The anxiety and fear only prevents us from enjoying what is coming. Yes, as a sufferer of depression and anxiety, it is easier said than done. I know my personal God has given me doctors to help with medicine and coaching to survive and thrive these difficult times. He has also given me a strong support system.
I posted on Facebook that change is hard. I had an out pouring of support and even humor. (Change is hard and noisy. Or bills are soft). I sent an email to a coworker when I was purposely not included on a task for. She said, “like water off a ducks back”. It wasn’t important and I didn’t need to worry about it. This is God working through my friends.
As we close, it’s ok to acknowledge that change can be hard. It’s ok to not know what life on the other side is going to be like. We also need to know that our personal God has our back, our front, and our side. We have nothing to fear
Lord God, you tell us that you have plans for us and your plans will not harm us. Sometimes we struggle with change. We like the comfortable and you, you never change. When the world changes, especially when it’s outside of our control, we can be fearful. Tonight we pray for peace in our hearts. Help us to know that it will all be ok on the other side. Remind us that we can control what happens but we can embrace change and use your word and you to thrive through it. We pray all this in your name, Amen.
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