What is your name? What do you call yourself?
May 19 – What’s In A Name?
4:139 – What’s In A Name?

#faithbites #faithjourney name


Most of you know me as Sol. Others call me Solomon (I’m looking at you mum). And a few call me Solly. Then, of course, I’m called Dad, Dada, Daddy, husband love, son, friend, and father. What if I told you I almost went by David? Would that change how you look at me?

When I was a kid, I was made fun of for the name Sol and Solomon. I was teased and the kids sang the Solomon Grundy song. (And not the cool Supervillain). I almost went by David just to stop the teasing. Would that have changed who I am? Am I who I am because of my name or do I define my name?

I ask because I did change my last name when I got married. We created a new last name to better reflect who we were as people. There were some looks but all in all, it went well.

Today, I ask what is in a name?

Today’s Questions: Does your name reflect you? Is your name, child of God? If so, how does that reflect you? If you could change your name, would you, and why?

  • Proverbs 22:1 – A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold.
  • John 15:16 – You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.

When we are born, we are given two names, a present from our guardians and our Father in heaven. Our first name is chosen as a reflection of the person they think we will become. For me, my parents hoped I would be wise. Our second name comes from God the father. He calls us his child. We didn’t do anything to earn these names. They were a gift, that we are glad to have.

As we get older, we have a choice with our names. The first one we can change. Some do it because the name they were given no longer reflects who they are or who they want to be. It’s not a rejection of who we were or saying that we don’t appreciate the gift that was given. Rather, it’s a personal choice, a reflection of who we want to be. Everyone should be able to have a name that represents who they are becoming. We should respect that.

Our second name, or first if you consider God made us, is ours no matter what. We can’t change it and he will never stop fighting for us. We are his children through and through. What we can choose is if we live up to that honor and responsibility. It doesn’t mean we will be perfect. God knows we won’t and sent Jesus to forgive us for our sins.

As we close, remember that every day we have a choice on what name we go by. Is it our given name or one we choose ourselves? No matter what it is, we are God’s children. Let us respect each other and work together to live up to our names.


Lord Jesus, thank you for calling us yours. Tonight we pray that you help us find the name that fits us best. We pray that you help others call us how we want to be called. Lord, we also pray that no matter the earthy name we are given or choose, that we keep your name on our lips, in our hearts, and throughout our actions. We pray all of this in your name, Amen.

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