4/14 – Maundy Thursday – Love

5:104 – Maundy Thursday – Love

#faithbites #faithjourney #faithbiteslite maundy


Today is Maundy Thursday. The day when we remember the Last Supper. Jesus knew what was coming, yet went anyway becuase he loved us. He knew how. Was going to be betrayed but still loved Judas. He knew Peter would betray him but still loved him.

Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment. It isn’t that we shoild love one another as he loved us, but we must. That is a huge difference in word choice. He commands us to love.


John 13:34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another


Lord God, we thank you for your Son and his sacrifice. Today, we pray that you help us love unconditionally as you have commanded us. We pray this in your name, Amen.

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