5:69 – There’s God With You Always
#faithbites #faithjourney God #GuestAuthor
Today we have the privilege of a guest author for #faithbites, Cecilia Roberts-Lieb. This was her Universe / Space devotion assignment for class. We are very proud of her.
Depression is a mental health problem that some people struggle with. Depression is feelings of severe despondency and dejection. So you might be wondering how this topic goes with space? Well, sometimes you might think that space seems kind of lonely, or that when astronauts go to space they might feel lonely. In Psalms 9:9-10 it says, “The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.” This bible verse is saying that you are never alone in this huge universe of ours! Isn’t that amazing?! So even if you feel lonely, you’re struggling with your mental health. Even if some astronauts think that they’re alone in space, they never are because God is ALWAYS with you no matter what.
Please pray with me. Dear Lord, even if we think that we are going through this alone, or if we feel alone. Let us always remember that you are always with us through the hard times. Amen.
THERE ARE MORE STARS IN THE UNIVERSE THAN GRAINS OF SAND ON EARTHThe universe extends far beyond our own galaxy, The Milky Way, which is why scientists can only estimate how many stars are in space. However, scientist estimate the universe contains approximately 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars, or a septillion. While no one can actually count every single grain of sand on the earth, the estimated total from researchers at the University of Hawaii, is somewhere around seven quintillions, five hundred quadrillion grains. That is an awfully big sandcastle!
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