December 17 – The Theif is Vanquished

4:351 – The Theif Is Vanquished

#faithbites #faithjourney theif


Today I had the privilege of sharing my devotional with not one or two but three classes at school. E eryone enjoyed it and got to the moan point of Chrisfmas: Jesus being born into the world.

One of the verses I quoted, John 10:10, is so powerful and meaningful that we will discuss it today. This one verse sums up Christianity simply. The Theif comes to Destroy and Jesus comes to grant life. Through Christ, the Theif is Vanquished and we live.

Today’s Questions: What is the thief doing in your life to destroy, steal, and kill? How does your faith in christ conquer the theif?


John 10:10 – The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.


If we break this down, we see everything that God wants us to know in one sentence. The devil will try to kill, steal, and destroy everything we have on earth. He can’t steal our Jesus but he can destroy earthly things. But Jesus came so all of us can have life and have it to the full. That means life Everlasting. This is what we believe in. Jesus, God’s greatest gift, came to everyone to vanquish the their and give us eternal life. We don’t have to do anything but have fiath and believe. That is our Jesus.

As we close, place this verse on your heart. Remind yourself that the theif may destroy stuff, but Jesus will always vanquish him so we have what matters most: eternal life in him.


Lord JJesus, thank you for coming to Earth. Thank you for Vanquishing Satan. W wlrag that you help us to remember that stuff is only stuff. It can be replaced. What matters is you and our love for you. You will pick us up with your righteous hand and protect us until the end of the age. We trust and pray this in your name, Amen.

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